Migration Complete! Accounts are all moved to Server 1. It is currently running fast and stable.
If you encounter any problem with your account after this migration, please contact us immediately.
New server uses Softaculous instead of Fantastico. If you have any scripts previously installed by Fantastico or manually, you can import/synchorize them by following this tutorial.
The old server will be taken offline on 1st Jun 2011. Please update your name servers ASAP to avoid your site going down after that. First, please check the name servers of your domain name at http://enc.com.au/itools/nscheck.php
If they are not ns1 & ns2.cyberultra.net OR ns1 & ns2.unifiedns.com, please change them to
ns1.cyberultra.net & ns2.cyberultra.net
ns1.unifiedns.com & ns2.unifiedns.com
If you are using your own custom name servers, please contact your domain provider to update them to
ns1.yourdomain.com -
ns2.yourdomain.com -
Then update the A records in cPanel > Advanced DNS Editor
Dear Server 5 Customers,
As our continuous effort to provide you a better and more stable hosting environment, we have setup a new and more powerful server. This new server will replace the current server to host your account.
Specifications Of New Server:
Intel i7-2600 (upgrade from Q9550)
8GB DDR3 RAM (upgrade from 8GB DDR2)
100Mbps Port
Softaculous (194 scripts) replacing Fantastico (64 scripts)
CloudLinux 5.5 (When system abuser is detected, his site will go down, yours is not affected at all)
IP of old server:
IP of new server:
The migration will start on 22th May 2011. We reckon it needs no more than a week to complete. At the moment, there is no action required from your end. We will do our best to complete the migration smoothly. The DNS record update in server will be taken care of by us.
After the migration is completed, you will be notified to update the DNS of your domain names, more information will be provided at that time. Please DO NOT change anything now.
During the migration, your web site may show an "Account Moved" page. This means that your account is already moved to the new server, your site will come up again in a few hours after the DNS cache is cleared at your side.
If you have any inquiry, please submit an Account/Billing ticket in our helpdesk.
The Management
Cyber Ultra Network
Friday, May 20, 2011